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Parents and staff believe that homework is an important part of the learning process for our children and so we will be giving parents the option to sign up their child to receive at least 2 pieces of homework per week in addition to daily reading, times table practice and spellings.


Amount of homework provided

Nursery and Reception


Daily reading or sharing a book their child


Creative Home learning tasks linked to their topic

Years 1 - 6


Daily reading for at least 15 minutes

Times table practice

Spelling practice


Two pieces of homework are linked to their learning in school. This may be English, grammar, maths or work related to foundation subjects being studied.

In SATs year groups, homework will be compulsory for all children.

If parents/carers would like their child to receive the optional homework, they need to speak to their child's class teacher.  

It is vital that the homework is returned to the class teacher on time so that it can be checked. If the homework book is not returned before the next work is handed out, then the child will not receive the next set of homework.

It is not the teacher’s responsibility to hand out the homework on different days. If a child does not complete homework
3 weeks in a row, their name will be removed from the homework list, and they will not be assigned homework until after a parents' meeting to discuss expectations.

If a child misses a week of completing the optional homework, there will be no sanction given by teachers to punish them for this. Completing homework is the responsibility of the child and the parents. Any work set by the teacher will be based on learning they have done in class and so your child should be able to complete it mostly independently. Children can ask their teacher for support before the hand-in day if needed during break time or at 1pm during lunchtime break. Children who do not complete the compulsory homework may need to give up some of the break time to complete it. We ask for parents or the child (if they are able) to complete the reading journal so that we can track the amount of reading completed. We want all the children in our school to leave us knowing how to read and write.

We would be very grateful if parents would support the school by ensuring the work set by the teachers is completed by their child and returned on time. We firmly believe that children should have sufficient time to enjoy other activities and hobbies as well as completing homework. Homework is optional and parents will know best if their child/household will find it beneficial to receive the extra pieces of work.