Trinity St Mary's have been awarded the Religious Education Quality Mark Silver Award. This award helps us celebrate high quality RE teaching and celebrates the good practice that the school is doing to develop their religious education.
Through RE, students get the chance to explore their own and others’ beliefs, values, and ways of living which are important to them. RE provides young people with the chance to explore the big ideas of religion and belief and to think about what matters in their own lives. Good RE supports the development of the whole child. It has a significant contribution to make to school improvement.
So what did they say about TSM?
This is a school where children clearly enjoy their RE learning. There are close links to the local church and they like to visit. When they do this, they talk about listening to stories about Jesus, and lighting a candle. RE is fun and creative and children have especially enjoyed making diva lamps out of clay, listening to stories from different religions and enjoyed opportunities where they can show kindness to others. The younger children like the chance to explore artefacts. Older children say they receive inspiration about different religions from their teachers.
Trinity St Mary's Primary School has undergone some real developments in RE over the last few years and is very well led by a passionate subject lead who is also a senior leader. Each potential new teacher to the school is asked to deliver an RE lesson as part of the interview process. There is a wide variety of creative approaches to learning in RE and children talk about the opportunity to use iPads to complete research. Children are given the opportunity to go into other classes to teach older children about their own religion. Deep thinker books have been a great addition to share learning.